Dwelling Longer on the 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich

You can still join this group to help you mark Julian's anniversary year.  Some of us read this book over 40 days in Lent in 2022.  This is an ongoing invitation to sit with it and us until July 2023.

CLICK HERE to hear Margaret Mary explaining how the course will run. Margaret Mary writes, "It's as if we went by car last time, but here we are walking."

Participants wrote, “Thank you so much - great... course and it's lovely to meet everyone!“  “I'm so glad that you were able to put this series together so we can extend our journey beyond Lent.”

Buy the book from this website by clicking HERE.

Get all the information and your Zoom link by clicking HERE.

CLICK HERE for notes for participants and suggestions for prayer.


  • Thank you for sharing this information. I have always been very inspired and encouraged by the writings of Julian of Norwich. She was a favourite writer for my mother who passed away 2 years ago.

    Alicia Excell
  • Looking forward to “late evening” reflections (in Franklin, PA, USA). Thank you for making this available to all of us.

    Associate, Order of Julian of Norwich (OJN)

    Rev. Shawn Clerkin
  • Sounds an amazing course and I hope to join you but just checking September date as it is Wednesday 21 St September in my diary.Thank you

    Tina Nay
  • How lovely, especially to take things more slowly! Every blessing to you all.


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